這裡展示的繪畫掛軸為美國嶺南基金會於2008年捐贈予嶺南大學的部份繪畫藏品。這些繪畫主要為廣東藝術家於1940年代的創作,但亦有少部份早至清代 (1644-1914) 和源自其他地區的作品。當中藝術家包括曾是廣東國畫研究會的重要成員。廣東國畫研究會著重於維護和宣揚國畫傳統,是民國時期 (1912-1949) 國內規模較大的畫社之一。其外還有曾研習西畫技巧、和嶺南畫派有關的畫家。這些繪畫至少部份於1947年在紐約國家藝術俱樂部展出,展覽為嶺南學堂畢業生和嶺南分校校長司徒衛先生籌辦。司徒先生熱衷繪畫,他描繪廣州嶺南大學1930至40年代校園風光的水彩作品亦包括在嶺南基金會捐贈的繪畫藏品內,在此另有介紹。
The scroll paintings showcased here is part of a collection of paintings donated to Lingnan University by the Lingnan Foundation based in America in 2008. The paintings were primarily produced by artists from the Guangdong region during the 1940s, but there are also a few examples dated as early as the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) and from other parts of China. The artists represented include former leading members of the Guangdong National Painting Research Society, one of the larger painting associations in China during the Republican era (1912-1949) that aimed to preserve and propagate the traditions of Chinese painting. There are also paintings by artists with training in Western painting techniques and ties with the Lingnan School of Painting. Many if not all of these scroll paintings were exhibited at the National Arts Club in New York in 1947. The exhibition was organised by Mr Szto Wai who was an alumni of Lingnan College and Principal of branches of the University. Mr Szto was also an avid painter. Watercolours by him depicting the campus of Lingnan University in Guangzhou in the 1930s and 1940s are part of the donation from the Lingnan Foundation. They can be seen here.
此資料庫的成立獲嶺南大學文學院資助和嶺南大學圖書館支持。資料庫的內容為陸於平博士和視覺研究系學生溫麗娜撰寫。藝術家生平為溫麗娜同學撰稿,陸於平博士編輯,除了趙浩公及黃般若的生平則為羅淑敏教授和視覺研究系學生黃綺雯較早前撰稿。資料庫的編輯工作仍然進行中。 This database was established with the support of an Arts Faculty Research Grant and the Lingnan University Library. The entries in this database were prepared by Dr Luk Yu-ping and Ms Wan Lai Na, student of the Department of Visual Studies. The biographies for each artist were compiled by Ms Wan and edited by Dr Luk, with the exception of two on Zhao Haogong and Huang Bore, which were prepared earlier by Prof Sophia Law and Ms Wong Yee-man, Candy, student of the Department of Visual Studies. The database is currently being edited.