趙浩公 Zhao Haogong

生平 Biography

趙浩公 (1882-1946),名浩,號石佛,1882年生於廣東台山。少時學藝於畫肆,十七歲隨王竹虛習畫。趙氏以裱畫為業, 因而見盡古今名作,擅臨摹。喜作宋院體花鳥,山水宗石濤,並工馬遠;書法則效法宋徽宗的瘦金體和王文治的行書,亦擅篆刻。

1923年趙氏與黃般若、潘致中、 黃少梅、盧振寰等八人在廣州 組成「癸亥合作畫社」,並與盧振寰共設「山南畫室」授徒。「癸亥合作畫社」後來擴展成為「國畫研究會」。


Zhao Haogong (1882-1946) also known as Hao, sobriquet Shifo, was born in Taishan, Guangdong Province in 1882. At the age of seventeen, he became an apprentice to Wang Zhuxu who taught him painting as well as the skill of mounting and conservation. He made a living from mounting paintings, through which he had opportunities to see and imitate many ancient works. As a painter, he was famous for his flower-and-bird paintings in the style of the Song Academy. His landscape integrated the merits of both Shitao and Ma Yuan. He was also good at calligraphy and seal carving. In 1923, in a joint effort with Huang Bore, Pan Zhizhong, Huang Shaomei , Lu Zhenhuan and other painters in Guangzhou, Zhao founded the Guihai Art Cooperative which later became the National Painting Research Society. He also established the Nanshan Art Studio with Lu Zhenhuan and started teaching painting.

趙浩公 Zhao Haogong