趙崇正 Zhao Chongzheng

生平 Biography

趙崇正 (1910-1968),字乃寅,生於1910年,原藉廣東番禺。趙氏自幼愛好繪畫,曾拜高奇峰 (1889-1933) 為師學畫。他喜畫人物、走獸,尤其擅長花鳥題材。趙氏早年曾於佛山華英中學、省立第一中學、真光女子中學等任職美術教師。1946年他受聘於高奇峰創辦的南中美術專科學校,出任校務主任兼國畫科導師。1949年後他先後任職於華南人民出版社、南方通俗出版社、廣州美術學院、廣州工藝美術研究所等。他的作品《森林的早晨》及《春寒》曾分別於社會主義國家造型藝術展覽及全國美展中展出。



Zhao Chongzheng (1910-1968), zi Naiyin, was born in 1910 in Panyu, Guangdong province. Zhao was interested in painting at a young age and studied painting under Gao Qifeng (1889-1933). He liked painting on figures and animals, but was especially proficient in painting flowers and birds. At an early age, Zhao taught fine arts at several schools, including Wa Ying College in Foshan, Guangdong No. 1 Highschool and True Light Middle School for Girls. In 1946, he became Director of Academic Affairs and Chinese painting instructor at Nanzhong Academy of Fine Arts founded by Gao Qifeng. After 1949, he worked at South China People’s Publishing House, Southern Popular Publishing House, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and Guangzhou Arts and Crafts Institute. His works Morning in the Jungle (Senlin de zaochen) and Spring Chill (Chun han) were exhibited at the Socialist Nation Plastic Arts Exhibition and the National Art Exhibition respectively.

Xie Wenyong, Guangdong huaren lu (Records of Guangdong Painters) (Guangzhou: Guangzhou meishu guan, 1996), 236.
“Zhao Chongzheng”, People’s Government of Guangdong Province, http://www.gd.gov.cn/gdgk/lnwh/lnhp/200709/t20070927_21246.htm
“Zhao Chongzheng,” The Lingnan School of Painting, http://www.lingnanart.com/lingnan-master-ch-2.htm