何漆園 He Qiyuan

生平 Biography

何漆園 (1899-1970),名家訪,字謂賢, 1899年生於廣東順德。何氏早年跟隨高奇峰 (1889-1993) 習畫,擅畫山水、走獸、花鳥、人物等題材。他亦工詩文,並精通音律。1922年何氏代高奇峰出任嶺南大學國畫教席,後來又於佛山市立美術學校、廣州市立美術學校任教。他於1936年來港定居後,先後任教於金文泰官立中學、富國師範專科學校、葛量洪師範專科學校等。他亦曾與趙少昂(1905-1998)、張坤儀 (1895-1969)、葉少秉 (1896-1968) 等人在廣州設「美學社」,及在香港組織「丙申畫會」、「歲寒畫社」和「香港美學會」。他的作品曾於中法美展覽會展出,並獲他的門人捐贈給粵港兩地博物館。

〈何漆園 (1899-1970) 葉少秉 (1896-1968) 鳴高不立異 諧俗不降格〉,《廣州畫卷》,第53期,2010年。


He Qiyuan (1899-1970), also named Jiafang, zi Weiyan, was born in 1899 in Shunde, Guangdong province. He learnt painting from Gao Qifeng (1889-1993) at an early age, and became especially proficient in the subject matter of landscapes, animals, figures, flowers and birds. He was also skilled in poetry, literature and was excellent in poetic metre. In 1922, he replaced Gao to teach Chinese painting at Lingnan University. Subsequently, he taught at Foshan College of Fine Arts and Guangzhou Municipal School of Fine Arts. After settling down in Hong Kong in 1936, he taught at Clementi Secondary School, Northcote Training College and Grantham Training College. With Zhao Shao’ang (1905-1998), Zhang Kunyi (1895-1969),Ye Shaobing (1896-1968) and others, he helped to establish the Aesthetics Academy in Guangzhou as well as Bingshen Painting Association, Suihan Painting Society and Hong Kong Art Club in Hong Kong. His works were shown at exhibitions in China, France and the United States. His pupils later donated his works to museums in Guangdong province and Hong Kong.

Li Jian’er, Guangdong xiandai huaren zhuan (Biographies of Guangdong Modern Painters) (Hong Kong: Jianlu wenyi yuan, 1941), 74.
Xie Wenyong, Guangdong huaren lu (Records of Guangdong Painters) (Guangzhou: Guangzhou meishu guan, 1996), 123.
Yun Ruxin, Minguo shuhuajia huizhuan (Biographies of Calligraphers and Painters of the Republican Period) (Taipei: Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan, 1986), 55.
Zhu Qi, Xianggong meishu shi (Hong Kong Art History) (Hong Kong: Sanlian shudian, 2005), 96.
 “He Qiyuan (1899-1970) and Ye Shaobing (1896-1968), minggao bu liyi, xiesu bu jiangge,” Guangzhou huajuan (Guangdong Painting Scroll), no. 53 (2010).