鄧芬 Deng Fen

生平 Biography

鄧芬 (1894-1964),字誦先,號曇殊,又號從心先生、二不居士,1894年生於廣東南海。鄧氏出身於書香門第,他的父親鄧次直 (19世紀) 擅長詩書,因此鄧芬自小承繼家學,研習書畫、詩文。他少時跟隨董一夔 (19世紀)、張世恩 (1837-1908) 學畫,擅畫花鳥、人物和山水。他的簡筆花鳥,寥寥數筆,隨手即成。此外,鄧氏亦擅長刻竹,又能於欖核刻二百個漢字,可謂多才多藝。

1923年鄧氏與一眾傳統國畫家創辦「癸亥合作畫社」,後來重組為「國畫研究會」,致力於國畫理論、技巧的繼承和發展。1926年他又與潘達微 (1881-1929)、黃般若 (1901-1968)、鄧爾雅 (1884-1954) 等在香港成立「國畫研究會香港分會」。1929年他應廣東省教育廳的邀請,代表廣東國畫界出席於上海舉行的第一次全國美術展覽會。1930年他遊歷大江南北,數年後又到南海一帶。他於抗日時期移居澳門。


  • 《廣東書畫錄》。香港:香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館,1981,頁260。
  • 李健兒《廣東現代畫人傳》。香港:儉廬文藝苑,1941年,頁34-35。
  • 王美怡〈鄧芬〉,《開放時代》,2011年12期,頁2-3。
  • 謝文勇《廣東畫人錄》。廣州:廣州美術館,1996年,頁64。
  • 惲茹辛《民國書畫家彙傳》。台北:台灣商務印書館,1986年,頁314-315。

Deng Fen (1894-1964), zi Songxian, sobriquets Tanshu, Congxin xiansheng and Erbu jushi, was born in 1894 in Nanhai, Guangdong province. Deng came from a literary family. His father Deng Cizhi (19th century) was skilled in poetry and calligraphy, so Deng Fen inherited the family tradition and studied calligraphy, painting and poetry at a young age. Later he learnt painting from Dong Yikui (19th century) and Zhang Shi’en (1837-1908) and became especially proficient in painting flowers and birds, figures and landscapes. He could paint flowers and birds with a few simplified brushstrokes. In addition, he was a bamboo carver and could carve two hundreds characters on an olive pit.

In 1923, together with a group of traditionalist painters, Deng founded the Guihai Art Cooperative, which was later re-grouped as the National Painting Research Society. The group was concerned with the inheritance and development of Chinese painting theories and techniques. In 1926, he established the Hong Kong Branch of the National Painting Research Society with Pan Dawei (1881-1929), Huang Banro (1901-1968), Deng Erya (1884-1954) and others. In 1929, he was invited by the Department of Education, Guangdong province, to attend the first National Art Exhibition held in Shanghai as the representative of the Guangdong national painting circle. He traveled around China in 1930, and later to the Nanhai region. He moved to Macau during the Second Sino-Japanese War.


  • Guangdong shuhualu (Records of Guangdong Calligraphies and Paintings) (Hong Kong: Xianggang Zhongwen daxue Zhongguo wenhua yanjiusuo wenwuguan), 260.
  • Li Jian’er, Guangdong xiandai huaren zhuan (Biographies of Guangdong Modern Painters) (Hong Kong: Jianlu wenyi yuan, 1941), 34-35.
  • Wang Meiyi, “Deng Fen,” Kaifang shidai (Open Times), no. 12 (2011): 2-3.
  • Xie Wenyong, Guangdong huaren lu (Records of Guangdong Painters) (Guangzhou: Guangzhou meishu guan, 1996), 64.
  • Yun Ruxin, Minguo shuhuajia huizhuan (Biographies of Calligraphers and Painters of the Republican Period) (Taipei: Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan, 1986), 314-315.