Dublin Core
Red bamboo, rocks
81 cm (h) x 28 cm (w) (image)
188 cm (h) x 37.5 cm (w) (scroll)
Hanging scroll painting
Ink and colour on paper
Scroll Painting Item Type Metadata
Title slip
題簽: 趙浩公朱竹
Translation: Zhao Haogong's Red Bamboo
題簽: 趙浩公朱竹
Translation: Zhao Haogong's Red Bamboo
Inscription (top right)
題跋: 淇園丹鳳飛來幾時留得參差翼簫聲吹斷彩雲忽墮碧雲猶隔想是湘靈淚彈多處血痕都積看疏瘦蕭影隔簾欲動應似落花狼藉 莫道清高也俗再相逢子猷還惜此君未老歲寒猶有少年顔色誰把珊瑚和煙換去琅玕千尺細問來不是天工卻是那春風筆 右高季迪詞調寄水龍吟 台山趙浩
Translation:......Taishan Zhao Hao
題跋: 淇園丹鳳飛來幾時留得參差翼簫聲吹斷彩雲忽墮碧雲猶隔想是湘靈淚彈多處血痕都積看疏瘦蕭影隔簾欲動應似落花狼藉 莫道清高也俗再相逢子猷還惜此君未老歲寒猶有少年顔色誰把珊瑚和煙換去琅玕千尺細問來不是天工卻是那春風筆 右高季迪詞調寄水龍吟 台山趙浩
Translation:......Taishan Zhao Hao
Inscription (top left)
題跋: 朱竹始於元代柯丹丘宗仲昷夏仲超皆稱神品至清孫雪居金冬心李芸甫都有佳作偶得餘紙戲為仿之效顰之消所不免耳
Translation: Red bamoo originated from the Yuan dynasty. The works of Ke Danqiu, Zhong Zhongwen and Xia Zhongchao were all considered at the "spiritual" level. In the Qing, Sun Xueju, Jin Dongxin and Li Yunfu all had fine works. By chance I received some paper and emulated them for fun, the loss in copying is inevitable.
題跋: 朱竹始於元代柯丹丘宗仲昷夏仲超皆稱神品至清孫雪居金冬心李芸甫都有佳作偶得餘紙戲為仿之效顰之消所不免耳
Translation: Red bamoo originated from the Yuan dynasty. The works of Ke Danqiu, Zhong Zhongwen and Xia Zhongchao were all considered at the "spiritual" level. In the Qing, Sun Xueju, Jin Dongxin and Li Yunfu all had fine works. By chance I received some paper and emulated them for fun, the loss in copying is inevitable.
Artist's seal (top right)
肖浩 (白文方印)
Transliteration: Xiao Hao (intaglio)
浩公 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Haogong (relief)
肖浩 (白文方印)
Transliteration: Xiao Hao (intaglio)
浩公 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Haogong (relief)
Artist's seal (middle left)
浩 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Hao (relief)
浩 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Hao (relief)
Seal (bottom right)
風馬牛 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Feng ma niu (relief)
風馬牛 (朱文方印)
Transliteration: Feng ma niu (relief)
Period / Culture
Republican period, Guangdong province
Painting, Chinese
趙浩公 (Chinese, 1881-1947), 趙浩公朱竹
Cite As
趙浩公 (Chinese, 1881-1947), Zhao Haogong (Chinese, 1881-1947) = 趙浩公 (Chinese, 1881-1947), and Made by Zhao Haogong (Chinese, 1881-1947) = 趙浩公 (Chinese, 1881-1947), “趙浩公朱竹,” Lingnan University - Online Exhibitions, accessed September 17, 2024, https://ln.omeka.net/items/show/156.